1 ▶︎
خَدَمْتُهُ بِمَدِيحٍ أَسْتَقِيلُ بِهِ
ذُنُوبَ عُمْرٍ مَضَى فِي الشِّعْرِ وَالخِدَمِ
Khadamtuhu bi madīḥin astaqīlu bihi
Dhunūba ʿumrin maḍā fish shiʿri wal khidami
Aku mengabdikan diri kepada Baginda Nabi ﷺ dengan gubahan syair pujian, yang dengan berkahnya aku mengharap
ampunan Allah atas dosa-dosaku yang lampau dalam bersyair dan melayani pejabat.
By this eulogy I have served him, seeking absolution
For the sins of a life spent in poetry and patronage.
I've served him with eulogy by which I seek to erase
The sins of life spent in poem and in servility.
2 ▶︎
إِذْ قَلَّدَانِيَ مَا تُخْشَى عَوَاقِبُهُ
كَأَنَّنِي بِهِمَا هَدْىٌ مِنَ النَّعَمِ
Idh qalladāniya mā tukhshā ʿawāqibuhu
Ka annanī bihimā hadyun minan naʿami
Bersyair dan melayani pejabat menjeratku dengan sesuatu yang akibatnya mengkhawatirkan.
Dengan sebab itu, seakan-akan aku adalah hewan sembelihan yang dijerat dengan tali.
For these two have yoked me, with consequences I fear;
as if I were, on their account, a ritual lamb for slaughter.
For they have led me to things of horrible aftermath;
Akin to livestock decreed by them for the butchery.
3 ▶︎
أَطَعْتُ غَيَّ الصِّبَا فِي الحَالَتَيْنِ وَمَا
حَصَلْتُ إِلاَّ عَلَى الآثَامِ وَالنَّدَمِ
Aṭaʿtu ghayyaṣ ṣibā fīl ḥālatayni wa mā
Ḥaṣaltu illā ʿalal āthāmi wan nadami
Kutaati rayuan masa muda dalam bersyair dan mengabdi ke pejabat.
Kini aku tak dapatkan sesuatu kecuali dosa dan penyesalan.
In both I obeyed the reckless folly of youth,
And gained nothing except sins and regrets.
I have obeyed the deceit of youth in both cases and
Got nothing but sins and then regret, oh, what misery!
4 ▶︎
فَيَا خَسَارَةَ نَفْسٍ فِي تِجَارَتِهَا
لَمْ تَشْتَرِ الدِّينَ بِالدُّنْيَا وَلَمْ تَسُمِ
Fayā khasārata nafsin fī tijāratihā
Lam tashtarid dīna bid dunyā wal lam tasumi
Betapa ruginya jiwaku dalam perniagaan ini
apabila tidak membeli agama dengan dunia, juga tak pernah menawarnya.
Alas, what abject loss for a soul in its transaction!
It did not buy the Next World at the price of this – or even try to!
Oh, what a loss for my soul, the awful deal that it made!
Not buying faith with this world, not even browsing to see.
5 ▶︎
وَمَنْ يَبِعْ آجِلاً مِنْهُ بِعَاجِلِهِ
يَبِنْ لَهُ الْغَبْنُ فِي بَيْعٍ وَفِي سَلَمِ
Wa man yabiʿ ājilan minhu bi ʿājilihi
Yabin lahul ghabnu fī bayʿin wa fī salami
Barang siapa menjual pahala akhirat dengan gemerlap dunia,
maka kerugiannya sungguh nyata. Baik dalam jual beli maupun akad salam.
Anyone who sells the Hereafter for the ephemeral
Will be cheated in their present and future transactions.
Whoever sells off his future for his present will come
To see the loss in his sale and future delivery.
6 ▶︎
إِنْ آتِ ذَنْبًا فَمَا عَهْدِي بِمُنْتَقِضٍ
مَنَ النَّبِيِّ وَلاَ حَبْلِي بِمُنْصَرِمِ
In āti dhanban famā ʿahdī bimuntaqiḍin
Minan nabiyyi wa lā ḥablī bimunṣarimi
Jikalau aku kembali melakukan dosa, janji imanku pada
Baginda Nabi ﷺ takkan terlepas. Begitu pula tali hubunganku dengan beliau takkan terputus.
I have sinned, yet my pledge to the Prophet is unbroken;
Nor has the rope binding me to him been severed.
If I engage in a sin, my covenant isn't void
With him, the Prophet; nor is the rope dissevered from me.
7 ▶︎
فَإِنَّ لِي ذِمَّةً مِنْهُ بِتَسْمِيَتيِ
مُحَمَّداً وَهْوَ أَوْفَى الخَلْقِ بِالذِّمَمِ
Fa inna lī dhimmatan minhu bi tasmiyatī
Muḥammadan wa huwa awfāl khalqi bidh dhimami
Sesungguhnya, aku memiliki jaminan dari Baginda Nabi ﷺ dengan namaku
'Muhammad'. Baginda Nabi ﷺ adalah makhluk paling setia dalam memenuhi janji.
For I have a protective covenant with him owing to my name—
Muḥammad—and he is the most loyal of mankind to covenants.
By naming my son Muhammad I am in pledge to him;
And none is more faithful in fulfilling pledges than he.
8 ▶︎
إِنْ لَمْ يَكُنْ فِي مَعَادِي آخِذًا بِيَدِي
فَضْلاً وَإِلاَّ فَقُلْ يَا زَلَّةَ القَدَمِ
In lam yakun fī maʿādī ākhidhan bi yadī
Faḍlan wa illā faqul yā zallatal qadami
Jikalau kelak di akhirat Baginda Nabi ﷺ tak menganugerahiku dengan uluran tangan
pertolongan beliau, sungguh tergelincirlah kakiku dalam api neraka.
If, in the Hereafter, he does not take me by the hand
From pure grace, what a terrible slip of the foot!
At my appointment, if he's not holding onto my hand-
In graciousness-say, "Oh, what a fall into tragedy!"
9 ▶︎
حَاشَاهُ أَنْ يَحْرِمَ الرَّاجِي مَكَارِمَهُ
أَوْ يَرْجِعَ الجَارُ مِنْهُ غَيْرَ مُحْتَرَمِ
Ḥāshāhu an yaḥrimar rājī makārimahu
Aw yarjiʿal jāru minhu ghayra muḥtarami
Tidak mungkin Baginda Nabi ﷺ menolak memberi anugerah kepada orang yang telah mengharapkan.
Tak mungkin pula tetangga Baginda Nabi ﷺ kembali dari rumah beliau dalam keadaan tak mulia.
Far be it for him to deprive one hopeful of his generous gifts,
Or for a neighbour to turn back without being honoured by him!
Far be it from him to bar the aspirant of his gifts,
Or send away in dishonor from him a refugee.
10 ▶︎
وَمُنْذُ أَلْزَمْتُ أَفْكَارِي مَدَائِحَهُ
وَجَدْتُهُ لِخَلاَصِي خَيْرَ مُلْتَزِمِ
Wa mundhu alzamtu afkārī madāʾiḥahu
Wajadtuhu likhalāṣī khayra multazimi
Semenjak kupusatkan segenap fikiranku untuk memuji beliau,
kudapati Baginda Nabi g adalah sebaik-baiknya pemberi jaminan untuk keselamatanku.
Ever since I have focused my thoughts on his praises,
I have found him the one most committed to my salvation.
And since committing my thoughts to singing praises of him,
I've found him to be the most committed to saving me.
11 ▶︎
وَلَنْ يَفُوتَ الغِنَى مِنْهُ يَدًا تَرِبَتْ
إِنَّ الحَيَا يُنْبِتَ الأَزْهَارَ فِي الأَكَمِ
Wa lan yafūtal ghinā minhu yadan taribat
Innal ḥayā yunbitul azhāra fīl akami
Tangan seorang fakir yang membutuhkan tak akan luput dari pemberian Baginda Nabi ﷺ.
Sungguh, pemberian beliau bagaikan hujan yang akan menumbuhkan bunga-bunga di bukit tinggi.
His wealth will not overlook a dusty, needy hand;
For showers cause flowers to bloom on hill-tops.
The riches from him will not neglect a poor, dusty hand;
Indeed, the rain causes even hills to be flowery.
12 ▶︎
وَلَمْ أُرِدْ زَهْرَةَ الدُّنْيَا الَّتيِ اقْتَطَفَتْ
يَدَا زُهَيْرٍ بِمَا أَثْنَى عَلَى هَرِمِ
Wa lam urid zahratad dunyal latiqtaṭafat
Yadā zuhayrin bimā athnā ʿalā harimi
Aku memuji Baginda Nabi ﷺ bukan ingin menuai kenikmatan dunia sebagaimana
Zuhair memetik dunia dengan kedua tangannya sebagai imbalan dari puji-pujian kepada raja Harim bin Sinan.
I sought not the flowers of this world
Which Zuhayr picked for his praise of Harim.
I sought no bloom of the lower world the hands of Zuhayr
Had picked for having presented Herim with flattery.