1 ▶︎
أَمِنْ تَذَكُّرِ جِيرَانٍ بِذِي سَلَمِ
مَزَجْتَ دَمْعًا جَرَى مِنْ مُقْلَةٍ بِدَمِ
Amin tadhakkuri jīrānin bi dhī salami
Mazajta damʿan jarā min muqlatin bidami
Apakah karena mengingat tetangga tercinta yang berada di Dzu Salam
hingga air matamu mengalir deras bercampur darah?
Is it from remembering neighbours at Dhū Salam
That you shed tears admixed with blood from your eyes?
Is it from thinking of neighbors past in Dhu Selemi
That you have mixed blood in tears that flow from eyes steadily?
2 ▶︎
أَمْ هَبَّتِ الرِّيحُ مِنْ تِلْقَاءِ كَاظِمَةٍ
وَأَوْمَضَ البَرْقُ فِي الظَّلْمَاءِ مِنْ إِضَمِ
Am habbatir rīhu min tilqāʾi kādhimatin
Wa awmaḍal barqu fīẓ ẓulmāʾi min iḍami
Ataukah karena hembusan angin dari arah Kazhimah,
atau kilauan cahaya kilat pada kegelapan dari arah Idham?
Or because wind has blown from the direction of Kāẓima
And lightning has flashed in the dark of Iḍam?
Or blowing of wind from the direction of Kazimah,
And lightning flashing from Idum in the dark that you see?
3 ▶︎
فَمَا لِعَيْنَيْكَ إِنْ قُلْتَ اكْفُفَا هَمَتَا
وَمَا لِقَلْبِكَ إِنْ قُلْتَ اسْتَفِقْ يَهِمِ
Famā li ʿaynayka in qultakfufā hamatā
Wa mā li qalbika in qultastafiq yahimi
Mengapa dengan kedua matamu? Jika engkau menahan air mata, keduanya tetap basah.
Ada apa dengan hatimu? Jika kau sadarkan, ia tetap gelisah.
So what ails your eyes that when you tell them ‘stop’, they continue to weep still more?
And what ails your heart that when you bid it awake, it wanders further in distraction?
So what is wrong with your eyes: when you say "Stop!" they just weep?
And with your heart: when you say, "Be sane!" it acts crazily?
4 ▶︎
أَيَحْسَبُ الصَّبُّ أَنَّ الحُبَّ مُنْكَتِمٌ
مَا بَيْنَ مُنْسَجِمٍ مِنْهُ وَمُضْطَرِمِ
Ayaḥsabuṣ ṣabbu annal ḥubba munkatimun
Mā bayna munsajimin minhu wa muḍṭarimi
Apakah pemabuk cinta mengira rasa cintanya dapat tersembunyi
di balik deraian air mata dan gelora cinta di dada?
Does the lovelorn man think that love can be hidden
Behind a torrent from his [eyes], or a heart’s raging fire?
Does one so lovestruck imagine love is concealable,
Between a downpour from it and being so fiery?
5 ▶︎
لَوْلاَ الهَوَى لَمْ تَرِقْ دَمْعًا عَلَى طَلَلٍ
وَلاَ أَرِقْتَ لِذِكْرِ البَانِ وَالْعَلَمِ
Lawlal hawā lam turiq damʿan ʿalā ṭalalin
Wa lā ariqta li dhikril bāni wal ʿalami
Andai bukan karena cinta, air matamu takkan mengalir saat melihat sisa reruntuhan rumah sang kekasih
dan tidak pula engkau terjaga untuk mengenang pohon Ban dan bukit yang mengingatkanmu pada sang kekasih.
But for passion, you would not shed tears at an abandoned camp,
Or lie awake at night recalling the fragrant willow or the mountain;
If not for passion, you would have never burst into tears
At the remains, nor lost sleep over the mount or the tree.
6 ▶︎
فَكَيْفَ تُنْكِرُ حُبًّا بَعْدَمَا شَهِدَتْ
بِهِ عَلَيْكَ عُدُولُ الدَّمْعِ وَالسَّقَمِ
Fakayfa tunkiru ḥubban baʿda mā shahidat
Bihi ʿalayka ʿudūlud damʿi was saqami
Bagaimana engkau masih mengingkari rasa cintamu, padahal
air mata dan derita telah jujur bersaksi;
So how can you deny this love when tears and sickness,
truthful witnesses, have testified to it against you?
So how do you still deny a love to which testified
Against you true witnesses of tears and infirmity;
7 ▶︎
وَأَثْبَتَ الوَجْدُ خَطَّيْ عَبْرَةٍ وَضَنىً
مِثْلَ البَهَارِ عَلَى خَدَّيْكَ وَالعَنَمِ
Wa athbatal wajdu khaṭṭay ʿabratin wa ḍanā
Mithlal bahāri ʿalā khaddayka wal ʿanami
Dan derita cintamu telah meninggalkan dua garis bekas linangan air mata dan membuatmu kurus lemah,
laksana bunga kuning di kedua pipi dan mawar merah?
Lovesickness has etched two lines, of tears and gauntness,
Upon your cheeks, like yellow spice and red ʿanam
When grief has fixed on your cheeks canals of tears and malaise
Like branches of dogwood, red, and daffodils, yellowy?
8 ▶︎
نَعَمْ سَرَى طَيْفُ مَنْ أَهْوَى فَأَرَّقَنِي
وَالحُبُّ يَعْتَرِضُ اللَّذَّاتَ بِالأَلَمِ
Naʿam sarā ṭayfu man ahwā fa arraqanī
Wal ḥubbu yaʿtariḍul ladhdhati bil alami
Benar! Bayangan kekasihku selalu terlintas dalam benakku hingga membuatku terjaga.
Begitulah cinta, dapat mendatangkan derita di balik kenikmatan.
Yes, my beloved’s apparition came to me and denied me sleep,
For love always opposes pleasures with pain!
Yes, sights of my love have come at night and kept me awake;
How love repels all delights and comforts with agony!
9 ▶︎
يَا لاَئِمِي فِي الهَوَى العُذْرِيِّ مَعْذِرَةً
مِنِّي إِلَيْكَ وَلَوْ أَنْصَفْتَ لَمْ تَلُمِ
Yā lāʾimī fīl hawal ʿudhriyyi maʿdhiratan
Minnī ilayka wa law anṣafta lam talumi
Wahai, para pencelaku karena gelora cinta suci ini! Aku maklumi cacianmu.
Seandainya engkau bersikap adil, niscaya kau takkan mencelaku.
O you who blame me for this chaste love, pardon me!
But had you judged fairly, you would not have blamed me.
You critic of love so passionate, an apology
From me to you-but if you were true, you'd not censure me.
10 ▶︎
عَدَتْكَ حَالِي لاَ سِرِّي بِمُسْتَتِرٍ
عَنِ الْوُشَاةِ وَلاَ دَائِي بِمُنْحَسِمِ
ʿAdatka ḥāliya lā sirrī bi mustatirin
ʿAnil wushāti wa lā dāʾī bimunḥasimi
Kau telah mengetahui keadaanku. Kini rahasiaku tak dapat tersembunyi
dari para pemfitnah, sedangkan penyakit yang menimpaku tak kunjung pulih.
May you be spared my condition! My secret cannot be concealed
From detractors, nor is there any cure for my ailment!
May you be spared what I bear-my secret isn't concealed
From haters, nor is there any end to my malady.
11 ▶︎
مَحَّضْتَنِي النُصْحَ لَكِنْ لَسْتُ أَسْمَعُهُ
إِنَّ المُحِبَّ عَنْ العُذَّالِ فِي صَمَمِ
Maḥḥaḍtanī nuṣḥa lākin lastu asmaʿuhu
Innal muḥibba ʿanil ʿudhdhāli fī ṣamami
Engkau begitu tulus menasihatiku, tapi aku tak pernah mendengarkannya.
Sungguh, pecinta selalu tuli untuk mendengar pencaci.
You have given me sincere advice, but I cannot hear it;
A lover’s ears are deaf to the reproaches of critics.
You've offered me true advice, but simply, I hear it not;
The lover is deaf to all of those who speak critically.
12 ▶︎
إِنِّي اتَّهَمْتُ نَصِيحَ الشَّيْبِ فِي عَذَليِ
وَالشَّيْبُ أَبْعَدُ فِي نُصْحِ عَنِ التُّهَمِ
Innit tahamtu naṣīḥash shaybi fī ʿadhalī
Wash shaybu abʿadu fī nuṣḥin ʿanit tuhami
Sungguh, aku telah menuduh nasihat ubanku ikut mencela.
Padahal, nasihat uban sangat tulus dan tak layak dicurigai.
I hold suspect even the advice of my own grey hairs,
Even though their advice is far from deception.
I've even doubted gray hair's advice when it censures me;
Although gray hair with advice is less in dubiety.