1 ▶︎
جَاءَتْ لِدَعْوَتِهِ الأَشْجَارُ سَاجِدَةً
تَمْشِي إِلَيْهِ عَلَى سَاقٍ بِلاَ قَدَمِ
Jāʾat li daʿwatihil ashjāru sājidatan
Tamshī ilayhi ʿalā sāqin bilā qadami
Pepohonan datang memenuhi seruan Baginda Nabi ﷺ dengan tunduk.
Mereka berjalan menuju beliau dengan batang tanpa telapak kaki.
Trees came prostrating to him when he called,
Walking towards him on trunks without feet
The trees had come for his call, prostrate in humility;
They came to him on their trunks, like footless legs, walking free.
2 ▶︎
كَأَنَّمَا سَطَرَتْ سَطْرًا لِمَا كَتَبَتْ
فُرُوعُهَا مِنْ بَدِيعِ الْخَطِّ بِاللَّقَمِ
Ka annamā saṭarat saṭran limā katabat
Furūʿuhā min badīʿil khaṭṭi bil laqami
Pepohonan itu seakan-akan sedang menulis di tengah jalan yang ia lalui
dengan ranting-rantingnya tulisan yang sangat indah.
As though they had inscribed lines of splendid calligraphy
With their branches along the path.
As if they had drawn along the way a straight line for what
Their branches had written in the finest calligraphy.
3 ▶︎
مِثْلَ الغَمَامَةِ أَنَّى سَارَ سَائِرَةً
تَقِيهِ حَرَّ وَطِيسٍ لِلْهَجِيرِ حَمِي
Mithlal ghamāmati annā sāra sāʾiratan
Taqīhi ḥarra waṭīsin lil hajīri ḥamī
Sebagaimana awan yang selalu mendampingi ke mana pun Baginda Nabi ﷺ pergi.
Ia melindungi beliau dari teriknya sinar matahari di siang hari.
Like the cloud that hovered over him wherever he went,
Shielding him from the intense oven of the midday heat.
Just like the cloud moving with him as he moved anywhere;
From noon's intense oven heat protecting him constantly.
4 ▶︎
أَقْسَمْتُ بِالْقَمَرِ المُنْشَقِّ إِنَّ لَهُ
مِنْ قَلْبِهِ نِسْبَةً مَبْرُورَةَ القَسَمِ
Aqsamtu bil qamaril munshaqqi inna lahu
Min qalbihi nisbatan mabrūratal qasami
Aku bersumpah demi Dzat Pencipta bulan yang pecah. Aku bersumpah dengan sumpah yang terlaksana,
sesungguhnya, hati Baginda Nabi ﷺ terbelah bagaikan terbelahnya bulan.
I swear by the [Lord of the] moon that was split in two
a true oath: it has truly a connection with his heart.
I swear an oath by the moon, which split in two, that it has
A likeness to his pure heart-an oath of veracity.
5 ▶︎
وَمَا حَوَى الغَارُ مِنْ خَيْرٍ وَمِنْ كَرَمِ
وَكُلُّ طَرْفٍ مِنَ الكُفَّارِ عَنْهُ عَمِي
Wa mā ḥawal ghāru min khayrin wa min karamin
Wa kullu ṭarfin minal kuffāri ʿanhu ʿamī
Gua Tsur mendekap dan menjaga dua insan mulia, Baginda Nabi ﷺ dan Abu Bakar ash-Shiddiq.
Seluruh mata orang kafir buta tak dapat menemukan mereka berdua.
And by the goodness and nobility contained in the cave
While the disbelievers’ every glance was blind to him.
And what the cave did contain of good and nobility;
With every look from the disbelievers too blind to see.
6 ▶︎
فَالصِّدْقُ فِي الغَارِ وَالصِّدِّيقُ لَمْ يَرِمَا
وَهُمْ يَقُولُونَ مَا بِالْغَارِ مِنْ أَرِمِ
Faṣ ṣidqu fīl ghāri waṣ ṣiddīqu lam yarimā
Wa hum yaqūlūna mā bil ghāri min arimi
Baginda Nabi ﷺ dan Abu Bakar ash-Shiddiq masih berada di dalam gua.
Akan tetapi, mereka orang kafir berkata, 'Tak ada seorang pun dalam gua ini'.
Truthfulness and the True One in the cave wavered not
While they said ‘No one who breathes is in the cave!’
The Truth and Truthful in Faith inside the cave hadn't moved;
All while they were saying that inside the cave none could be.
7 ▶︎
ظَنُّوا الحَمَامَ وَظَنُّوا الْعَنْكَبُوتَ عَلَى
خَيْرِ الْبَرِيَّةِ لَمْ تَنْسُجْ وَلَمْ تَحُمِ
Ẓannul ḥamāma wa ẓannul ʿankabūta ʿalā
Khayril bariyyati lam tansuj wa lam taḥumi
Mereka berfikir, apabila Baginda Nabi g-yang merupakan sebaik-baiknya makhluk itu-berada di dalam,
tak mungkin dikelilingi burung merpati dan tak mungkin laba-laba menenun sarang di mulut gua.
They supposed that a dove would never perch,
Or a spider would spin its web, for the Best of Creation
They thought no dove hovered and no spider spun any web,
For him, the Best of Creation-thinking its vacancy.
8 ▶︎
وِقَايَةُ اللهِ أَغْنَتْ عَنْ مُضَاعَفَةٍ
مِنَ الدُّرُوعِ وَعَنْ عَالٍ مِنَ الأُطُمِ
WiqāyatuLlāhi aghnat ʿan muḍāʿafatin
Minad durūʿi wa ʿan ʿālin minal uṭumi
Allah melindungi mereka berdua dengan Gua Tsur. Perlindungan Allah cukup bagi mereka
hingga tidak membutuhkan berlapis-lapis baju besi dan benteng yang menjulang tinggi.
Their protection by Allah absolved them of need
for additional armour or for lofty fortresses.
Protection from God made needless reinforced armature,
Or towering citadels providing security.
9 ▶︎
مَا سَامَنِي الدَّهْرُ ضَيْمًا وَاسْتَجَرْتُ بِهِ
إِلاَّ وَنِلْتُ جِوَارًا مِنْهُ لَمْ يُضَمِ
Mā sāmanid dahru ḍayman wastajartu bihi
Illā wa niltu jiwāran minhu lam yuḍami
Tak pernah ada kezaliman menimpaku kemudian aku mohon perlindungan Baginda Nabi ﷺ,
kecuali dari beliau aku mendapatkan pertolongan dan penjagaan tanpa sedikit pun disakiti.
Never, when fate oppressed me, have I sought refuge in him
but that I found sanctuary with him and was oppressed no more.
No day has time gone to harm me and I have sought his care,
But that I have gotten care from him, without mockery.
10 ▶︎
وَلاَ الْتَمَسْتُ غِنَى الدَّارَيْنِ مِنْ يَدِهِ
إِلاَّ اسْتَلَمْتُ النَّدَى مِنْ خَيْرِ مُسْتَلَمِ
Wa laltamastu ghinad dārayni min yadihi
Illāstalamtun nadā min khayri mustalami
Aku tidak meminta kekayaan dunia dan akhirat dari tangan mulia Baginda Nabi ﷺ,
melainkan aku akan mendapatkan sebaik-baik pemberian dari beliau, sang Nabi terbaik dalam memenuhi permintaan umatnya.
And never have I sought wealth in both worlds from his hand
Without receiving largesse from the best of givers.
Nor have I asked of the riches of both worlds from his hand,
Without largesse from the best of givers coming to me.
11 ▶︎
لاَ تُنْكِرِ الْوَحْيَ مِنْ رُؤْيَاهُ إِنَّ لَهُ
قَلْبًا إِذَا نَامَتِ العَيْنَانِ لَمْ يَنَمِ
Lā tunkiril waḥya min ruʾyāhu inna lahu
Qalban idhā nāmatil ʿaynāni lam yanami
Jangan kau ingkari wahyu yang Baginda Nabi ﷺ terima dalam mimpi beliau. Karena sungguh,
hati beliau tetap terjaga meski kedua mata tertidur.
Do not deny the revelations he received in his dreams;
For though his eyes slept, he had a heart that slept not.
Do not deny revelation from his dreaming, because
His heart, though his eyes may shut, is open wide and does see.
12 ▶︎
وَذَاكَ حِينَ بُلُوغٍ مِنْ نُبَوَّتِهِ
فَلَيْسَ يُنْكَرُ فِيهِ حَالُ مُحْتَلِمِ
Wa dhāka ḥīna bulūghin min nubuwwatihi
Fa laysa yunkaru fīhi ḥālu muḥtalimi
Hal itu terjadi semenjak beliau ﷺ diangkat menjadi nabi.
Maka sejak saat itu, tak seorang pun boleh mengingkari mimpi Baginda Nabi ﷺ.
That was when he attained his Prophetic status;
the night dreams of mature men cannot be denied!
And that was so at the very start of his prophethood:
So with that state of the dreaming no one can disagree.
13 ▶︎
تَبَارَكَ اللهُ مَا وَحَيٌ بِمُكْتَسَبٍ
وَلاَ نَبيُّ عَلَى غَيْبٍ بِمُتَّهَمِ
Tabārak Allahu mā waḥyun bi muktasabin
Wa lā nabiyyun ʿalā ghaybin bi muttahami
Mahasuci Allah. Wahyu bukan termasuk perkara yang dapat dicari/diusahakan
dan tidaklah seorang nabi pantas dicurigai dalam berita gaibnya.
Blessed is Allah! Revelation is not something acquired!
Nor can a Prophet’s knowledge of the Unseen be deemed suspect.
How blest is God: revelation isn't something attained;
Nor is a prophet suspected in what we do not see.
14 ▶︎
كَمْ أَبْرَأَتْ وَصِبًا بِاللَّمْسِ رَاحَتُهُ
وَأَطْلَقَتْ أَرِبًا مِنْ رِبْقَةِ اللَّمَمِ
Kam abraʾat waṣiban bil lamsi rāḥatuhu
Wa aṭlaqat ariban min ribqatil lamami
Betapa banyak orang sakit yang sembuh seketika sebab disentuh telapak tangan mulia Baginda Nabi ﷺ.
Dengan berkah tangan agung beliau, orang-orang tertu-naikan hajatnya dan sembuh dari sakit gila yang lama membelenggu.
How many sick people were healed by the touch of his hand;
how many released from the tight knots of madness!
How many times has his palm by touch relieved the unwell,
And freed the helpless from in the noose of insanity.
15 ▶︎
وَأَحْيَتِ السَّنَةَ الشَّهْبَاءَ دَعْوَتُهُ
حَتَّى حَكَتْ غُرَّةً فِي الأَعْصُرِ الدُّهُمِ
Wa aḥyatis sanatash shahbāʾa daʿwatuhu
Ḥattā ḥakat ghurratan fīl aʿṣurid duhumi
Doa Baginda Nabi ﷺ telah menghidupkan kembali tahun kekeringan
hingga tahun tersebut bagaikan titik putih di antara hitam nan kelam tahun-tahun lainnya;
His supplication brought life to a grey year [of drought] –
Marked it out from dark years like [a horse’s] white blaze.
His call gave life to a gray and barren year full of drought;
Till it became like a star in ages of ebony;
16 ▶︎
بِعَارضٍ جَادَ أَوْ خِلْتَ البِطَاحَ بِهَا
سَيْبًا مِنَ اليَمِّ أَوْ سَيْلاً مِنَ العَرِمِ
Bi ʿāriḍin jāda aw khiltal biṭāḥa bihā
Sayban minal yammi aw saylan minal ʿarimi
Dengan awan yang mendermakan hujan deras hingga kau sangka air yang memenuhi lembah nan luas itu
adalah air aliran dari samudra atau air bah dari bendungan yang pecah.
With generous rainclouds, so much that you would have thought
That the valleys flowed with sea water or the flood of ʿArim.
With teeming clouds-you'd have thought the valleys had rivers flow
In from the sea, or a flooded dam that gushed viciously.