1 ▶︎
دَعْنيِ وَوَصْفِي آيَاتٍ لَهُ ظَهَرَتْ
ظُهُورَ نَارِ القِرَى لَيْلاً عَلَى عَلَمِ
Daʿnī wa waṣfī āyātin lahu ẓaharat
Ẓuhūra nāril qirā laylan ʿalā ʿalami
Biarkanlah aku mengurai mukjizat-mukjizat Baginda Nabi ﷺ yang tampak jelas
bagaikan api jamuan tamu yang dinyalakan pada malam hari di atas gunung menjulang tinggi.
Let me describe to you the signs that were manifested for him,
Visible like the village beacons lit atop hills at night.
Leave me alone to describe his miracles, which are plain
As nightly fire on mountains, lit as a courtesy.
2 ▶︎
فَالدُّرُّ يَزْدَادُ حُسْنًا وَهْوَ مُنْتَظِمٌ
وَلَيْسَ يَنْقُصُ قَدْرًا غَيْرَ مُنْتَظِمِ
Fad durru yazdādu ḥusnan wa huwa muntaẓimun
Wa laysa yanquṣu qadran ghayra muntaẓimi
Mutiara akan bertambah indah bila terangkai rapi,
meski nilainya tak akan berkurang sedikit pun saat tak tersusun.
Though a pearl is more lovely when strung [with others],
Its value is not diminished when alone and unstrung.
For pearls increase in their beauty when arranged on a string,
But aren’t less precious kept alone and separately
3 ▶︎
فَمَا تَطَاوُلُ آمَالِ المَديحِ إِلَى
مَا فِيهِ مِنْ كَرَمِ الأَخْلاَقِ وَالشِّيَمِ
Famā taṭāwulu āmālil madīḥi ilā
Mā fīhi min karamil akhlāqi wash shiyami
Budi luhur baginda Nabi ﷺ sangat banyak sekali. Maka mustahil terlaksana harapan para pengagum
untuk menguraikan seluruh budi pekerti, watak, dan kepribadian beliau.
To what hope can the giver of praise aspire
Of doing justice to his noble qualities and traits?
What eulogizing has any hope of stretching to reach
What he possesses in noble nature and quality?
4 ▶︎
آيَاتُ حَقٍّ مِنَ الرَّحْمَانِ مُحْدَثَةٌ
قَدِيمَةٌ صِفَةُ المَوْصُوفِ بِالقِدَمِ
Āyātu ḥaqqin minar raḥmāni muḥdathatun
Qadīmatun ṣifatul mawṣūfi bil qidami
Termasuk mukjizat Baginda Nabi ﷺ adalah ayat-ayat al-Qur'an, wahyu dari Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih. Ayat al-Qur'an baru (hadits) turunnya,
namun terdahulu (qadim) maknanya karena ia merupakan sifat dari Dzat Yang Mahadahulu (Qadim).
Signs of truth from the All-Merciful—revealed within time
Yet pre-eternal; the attribute of Him who is pre-eternal.
True signs from the Merciful, originated in time,
Beginningless, trait of Him Who is beginninglessly.
5 ▶︎
لَمْ تَقْتَرِنْ بِزَمِانٍ وَهْيَ تُخْبِرُنَا
عَنْ المَعَادِ وَعَنْ عَادٍ وَعَنْ إِرَمِ
Lam taqtarin bizamānin wa hيya tukhbirunā
ʿAnil maʿādi wa ʿan ʿādin wa ʿan irami
Ayat-ayat al-Qur'an tak terikat dengan waktu. Ia mengabarkan kepada kita
tentang Hari Kebangkitan setelah kita meninggal, kaum 'Ad, dan kota Iram.
They are not connected with time, yet they inform us
About the Resurrection, and about ʿĪd and Iram.
They aren't bound by constraints of time, as they tell us of
The day to come, also Aad and Irum-past history.
6 ▶︎
دَامَتْ لَدَيْنَا فَفَاقَتْ كُلَّ مُعْجِزَةٍ
مِنَ النَّبِيِّينَ إِذْ جَاءَتْ وَلَمْ تَدُمِ
Dāmat ladaynā fafāqat kulla muʿjizatin
Minan nabiyyīna idh jāʾat wa lam tadumi
Ayat-ayat al-Qur'an kekal hingga zaman kita sekarang. Al-Qur'an mengungguli mukjizat
para nabi sebelumnya karena mukjizat mereka tak abadi.
They remained with us, thus surpassing every miracle
Of the other Prophets, which came but did not last.
They stayed among us, and so transcended all miracles
From all the prophets, as they had come and then ceased to be.
7 ▶︎
مُحْكَّمَاتٌ فَمَا تُبْقِيْنَ مِنْ شُبَهٍ
لِذِي شِقَاقٍ وَمَا تَبْغِيْنَ مِنْ حَكَمِ
Muḥkamātun famā tubqīna min shubahin
Lidhī shiqāqin wa mā tabghīna min ḥakami
Ayat-ayat al-Qur'an sangat kokoh hingga tak menyisakan sedikit pun keraguan
bagi yang berselisih faham dan tak perlu mencari hakim kebenaran karena begitu jelas dan nyata dalil-dalil yang ada di dalamnya.
Unequivocal verses leaving no doubt to remain
in dissenters, and requiring no arbiter.
So wise and clear, that they leave no room for a single doubt
To an opponent and have no need for a referee.
8 ▶︎
مَا حُورِبَتْ قَطُّ إِلاَّ عَادَ مِنْ حَرَبٍ
أَعْدَى الأَعَادِي إِلَيْهَا مُلْقِيَ السَّلَمِ
Mā ḥūribat qaṭṭu illā ʿāda min ḥarabin
Aʿdal aʿādī ilayhā mulqiyas salami
Musuh paling hebat tidak akan menentang ayat al-Qur'an, kecuali mereka kembali dari medan peperangan
dalam keadaan tertunduk pasrah dan sadar akan lemahnya mereka di hadapan al-Qur'an.
No implacable foe has attacked them
But that he retreated from battle and sued for peace.
And never were they attacked except that from battle did
Return to them with surrendered arms the worst enemy.
9 ▶︎
رَدَّتْ بَلاَغَتُهَا دَعْوَى مُعَارِضِهَا
رَدَّ الغَيُورِ يَدَ الجَانِي عَنِ الْحُرَمِ
Raddat balāghatuhā daʿwā muʿāriḍihā
Raddal ghayūri yadal jānī ʿanil ḥurami
Keindahan sastra al-Qur'an menolak dan membantah tuduhan para penentang,
sebagaimana penolakan orang yang sangat cemburu saat membela keluarga dari jamahan tangan pendosa.
Their sheer eloquence refutes the claim of their opponent,
As a jealous man wards off an assailant’s hand from his wife.
Their eloquence fought off their dissenters' claim, as a man
That is protective fights off attack from his family.
10 ▶︎
لَهَا مَعَانٍ كَمَوْجِ البَحْرِ فِي مَدَدٍ
وَفَوْقَ جَوْهَرِهِ فِي الْحُسْنِ وَالقِيَمِ
Lahā maʿānin ka mawjil baḥri fī madadin
Wa fawqa jawharihi fīl ḥusni wal qiyami
Ayat-ayat al-Qur'an mengandung banyak makna laksana ombak lautan.
Keanggunan dan nilainya mengungguli mutiara yang tersimpan dalam samudra.
They contain meanings like the sea’s bountiful waves,
And surpass the sea’s jewels in beauty and value.
Possessing meanings like waves upon the sea in support;
Surpassing its treasures in allure and sublimity.
11 ▶︎
فَمَا تُعَدُّ وَلاَ تُحْصَى عَجَائِبُهَا
وَلاَ تُسَامُ عَلَى الإِكْثَارِ بِالسَّأَمِ
Famā tuʿaddu wa lā tuḥṣā ʿajāʾibuhā
Wa lā tusāmu ʿalal ikthāri bis saʾami
Keajaiban ayat suci al-Qur'an tak terhitung dengan angka.
Akan tetapi, meskipun banyak kandungannya, ayat-ayat al-Qur'an tak menjadikan kita bosan.
Their marvels can neither be counted nor numbered,
And frequent repetition never gives rise to tedium.
Such that their wonders are countless and beyond any bound,
And never found to be tiresome in great quantity.
12 ▶︎
قَرَّتْ بِهَا عَيْنُ قَارِيْهَا فَقُلْتُ لَهُ
لَقَدْ ظَفِرْتَ بِحَبْلِ اللهِ فَاعْتَصِمِ
Qarrat bihā ʿaynu qārīhā fa qultu lahu
Laqad ẓafirta bi ḥabliLlāhi faʿtaṣimi
Ayat-ayat al-Qur'an sungguh menyejukkan mata pembacanya. Maka aku berkata kepada pembaca al-Qur'an,
"Sungguh, kau telah meraih pegangan tali Allah. Jagalah dan tetaplah berpegang teguh dengan tali tersebut".
They delighted the one who recited them, so I told him,
‘You have the Rope of Allah, so hold fast to it!’
By them is soothed their reciter's eye, so I said to him,
"You have indeed found the rope of God, so hold steadily."
13 ▶︎
إِنْ تَتْلُهَا خِيفَةً مِنْ حَرَّ نَارِ لَظَى
أَطْفَأْتَ حَرِّ لَظَىَ مِنْ وِرْدِهَا الشَّبِمِ
In tatluhā khīfatan min ḥarri nāri laẓā
Aṭfaʾta ḥarra laẓā min wirdihash shabimi
Jika kau melantunkan ayat al-Qur'an karena takut panasnya api Jahannam,
kau akan dapat memadamkan panas Jahannam itu dengan kesejukan bacaan al-Qur'an.
If you recite them out of fear of a blazing fire’s heat
from their cool wells they will quench the blazing heat
If you recite them in worry of the fire of Hell,
From their cool fountain you douse the burn of Hell utterly.
14 ▶︎
كَأَنَّهَا الحَوْضُ تَبْيَضُّ الوُجُوهُ بِهِ
مِنَ العُصَاةِ وَقَدْ جَاءُوهُ كَالحُمَمِ
Ka annahal ḥawḍu tabyaḍḍul wujūhu bihi
Minal ʿuṣāti wa qad jāʾūhu kal ḥumami
Al-Qur'an bagaikan Telaga Kautsar, dapat menerangi wajah
ahli maksiat menjadi putih yang sebelumnya hitam legam bak arang bakar.
Like the Pool, they brighten the faces of the sinful,
Though they had come to it as black as charcoal.
Just like the Basin, as it is whitening every face,
Of sinners coming to it like coals as black as can be.
15 ▶︎
وَكَالصِّرَاطِ وَكَالمِيزَانِ مَعْدِلَةً
فَالقِسْطُ مِنْ غَيْرِهَا فِي النَّاسِ لَمْ يَقُمِ
Wa kaṣṣirāṭi wa kalmīzāni maʿdalatan
Falqisṭu min ghayrihā fin nāsi lam yaqumi
Al-Qur'an tegak lurus bagai jalan, juga adil abadi bak timbangan (tidak berat sebelah).
Keadilan hukum selain al-Qur'an bagi manusia tiada yang kekal abadi.
Like the Traverse and like Scales in justice;
True justice amongst men cannot be upheld from any other source.
And like the straight Bridge and like the Balance in equity:
Without them no justice is maintained in society.
16 ▶︎
لاَ تَعْجَبَنْ لِحَسُودٍ رَاحَ يُنْكِرُهَا
تَجَاهُلاً وَهْوَ عَيْنُ الحَاذِقِ الفَهِمِ
Lā taʿjaban liḥasūdin rāḥa yunkiruhā
Tajāhulan wa huwa ʿaynul ḥādhiqil fahimi
Jangan heran terhadap orang hasud yang selalu mengingkari al-Qur'an.
Ia pura-pura bodoh, padahal cerdas dalam memahaminya.
Do not be amazed at an envious person who denies them
Feigning ignorance, though he has perception and understanding.
Be not amazed by a hater in denial of them,
Who acts unknowing despite full knowledge and mastery.
17 ▶︎
قَدْ تُنْكِرُ الْعَيْنُ ضَوْءَ الشَّمْسِ مِنْ رَمَدٍ
وَيُنْكِرُ الفَمُ طَعْمَ المَاءِ مِنْ سَقَمِ
Qad tunkirul ʿaynu ḍawʾash shamsi min ramadin
Wa yunkirul famu ṭaʿmal māʾi min saqami
Terkadang, mata mengingkari cahaya matahari sebab sakit.
Juga terkadang, lidah mengingkari segarnya air karena sakit yang diderita.
For the eye, when inflamed, may be averse to the sun’s light;
And the mouth, when ailing, may loathe water’s taste.
An eye may even reject the light of sun when inflamed;
A mouth rejecting the taste of water from malady.